Friday, February 22, 2013

Brooklyn is 1 month old today!

I can and can't believe that my little girl is 1 month today. It seems to have gone by very quickly at times and other times not. Probably the times that are slow are the nights with her and still getting used to that schedule. Otherwise, I think I am starting to just now get into a routine with her. But, I am sure that will be ever evolving too.

Thankfully, Bryan and I have a routine that seems to work for us. We switch on and off on who takes the night shift. This way we both are not walking zombies and can get a good night's rest every other night. It seems to work for us right now. I am grateful for a husband and father that is so actively involved with his daughter. How he looks at her and takes care of her melts my heart. It is really one of the coolest things. I know of a lot of husbands who aren't as active fathers and I am blessed to have such a great partner.

Happy 1 month Baby Girl. Keep growing and getting Big and Strong. PS...we would love it if you would sleep through the night too. LOL.

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