Sunday, February 10, 2013

Brooklyn Grace Gallagher

WELCOMING BROOKLYN GRACE GALLAGHER Our beautiful baby girl was born on January 22, 2013 at 9:21am. She was 6lbs 7oz and 19.5in long.

 My labor started on Sunday night around 11:30 with some mild contractions and continued through the night and progressively got stronger and quicker. I called the Dr.'s office and the nurse told us to go to the hospital even though my contractions were only 8 mins apart at that time. We should have known better than to go because that nurse is always "trigger happy" We went and then they sent us home because I wasn't dilated enough.

So my labor continued at home and got really intense and very painful. I had horrible back labor as well. Bryan and I drove to the hospital around 1am and while we were in the car the contractions got to be less than 2 minutes apart. I was VERY thankful for an epidural and to have the pain taken away. I pushed for about 2 hours and then our beautiful baby girl was here. All in all not too bad. The worse part by far was the contractions and how painful they were. But of course she is beyond worth it.

Both Bryan and I cried and were so ecstatic that she was healthy which we were really worried about with my earlier complications. We are so in love with our daughter and adjusting to life as new parents.

All ready to go home

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