Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Brooke is 6 weeks

IMO she has her Dad's chin and face shape and my eyes, nose and mouth
Brooklyn hit 6weeks old yesterday. I never thought I would be one of "those" people who talk in terms of weeks, but I am now. Just reading all the things that I do everything is broken out in weeks and ask Bryan I read a lot. He jokes to me that I have turned into that one commercial on tv. The one that goes "where did you hear that? On the internet!" And he is right to a degree I do read a lot of things on the internet, but most all of it is very helpful. However, you can easily get caught up in the trap of this person said this and that, etc. So it can be hard to navigate all of the information that is out there. I also know that what works for one child won't necessarily work for another.

Propped up- still working on holding her head up

This week we are working on putting Brooke down to sleep earlier. So we are feeding her between 7-8pm and swaddling her and putting her in her crib. Then we are "trying" to wake her up around 10:30pm. I say trying because the past few times we have done this she only eats 1oz which isn't a lot. So she still is waking up once in the middle of the night to feed and then she does usually fuss around 5:30-6am and we pat her, giver her her pacifier and then wait to feed her around 8am. Having done this routine for the past few days she seems less crabby and fussy. So I think the earlier bed time is good for her.

Brooklyn and I have also been working on her SMILES!! It is hit or miss, but she will smile and not just gas! If I tickle her chin or talk softly to her she will smile a few times in a row and then she seems to get tried. But, I will take it all day long.

 She is also now starting to out grow things. Her newborn Gerbie onesises didn't really seem to fit this morning. She is getting to be a big girl.

too big for this onesie

She is also mimicking us. She will stick out her tongue when we do and open her mouth too. These little milestones really mean the world to me.


  1. Oh that last photo is ADORABLE! And I love the one of her smiling! :)

  2. You guys are doing a great job! The main thing is you are meeting her needs and promoting brain growth with the great stimuli. She's such a beauty!!
