Sunday, March 24, 2013

WW month #1 over

So I have been trying to get back into my groove of eating healthy and going to the gym. I have to say the first 2-3 weeks were a struggle. Just between the stress and lack of sleep it was hard for me to keep motivated. And eating things that I wouldn't normally because we were out or I would go way too long with out having ate anything and then I would be starving and overeat. But this past week and a half I have started to fall back into my old groove. Eating really healthy for the most part and going to the gym and kicking my own ass.

So I have not seen the scale move much, but I know it will come down. But I think my belly is starting to go down. It is hard because some days I feel like oh wow it is going down and then others I am super bloated and it seems like no change. So who knows.

But again keeping it real and honest so here we go....
start/month #1 "progress"

Monday, March 18, 2013


So Brooklyn has been doing great with news things lately. About a week ago we started to change up her schedule slightly. We started giving her her last bottle before bed between 8 - 8:30 and then right to sleep after that. In addition waking her up between 7-7:30am (but mostly she is already waking at this time on her own and has been stirring) and feeding her every 3-3.5 hours in the day with one long nap and more short ones. Doing this she will now sleep 7 hours!!! Can I get a hell yeah! Yep I am really proud of her and thankful that this schedule is seeming to work for her. She will sleep till about 3:30am and then we feed her and back down until the morning. Sometimes she does fuss in between, but we just give her her pacifier and "training" her to not need food. We know she can go 7 hours so that is awesome.
I love my hands above my head when I sleep
 She also loves her playmat and will spend about an hour on it at a time just happy and content. She will look around, kick her legs, coo and "talk" and just seems to be so happy. I love hearing her like that. I feel like a proud mom, even though I didn't do anything, lol.
I love my playmat
According to the milestone chart she is right on track with vocalizing, following objects, noticing her hands, and holding her head for short times. She is advanced in that she can smile, hold her head at a 45degree angle and can bear weight on her legs. She has her 2 month doctor apt in about a week so I am sure we will hear and find out more.

And now for some "Brooklyn talking time" Sorry for how dark the video is. I took it on a rainy day and with the camera quickly.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Irish Princess

My 1st St. Patrick's Day

 So today we celebrated Brooklyn's first St. Patrick's Day. I love this Holiday. It is one of my favorite holidays. Christmas is my favorite and then it is a toss up between St. Paddy's Day and 4th of July. So being that we are very Irish, Brooklyn needed to get a dose of how to celebrate from the start. So of course I dressed her up in her cutest Irish Outfit and she was ready for the day. I am sure she couldn't care less as long as she was warm with a belly fully of green beer...opps I mean milk. But, it really made me smile and some of my favorite pictures of her so far were taken today.
Irish Eyes are Smiling

Green Milk for me today-woot woot

what do you mean I don't get a shamrock shake
 She also got a visit from her Auntie Julie. Julie spent lots of time snuggling up Brooklyn and enjoying her as much as we do. She feed her, helped with bath time and did what us girls do best....we went shopping. Having Julie here was really nice and it was great to hang out with a great friend, even if most of that was spent just chillin in the house. Brooklyn seemed to be not feeling well Thursday and Friday. She is really such a good baby, but for some reason was really fussy and then cried and screamed at bed time both days. Friday night was the worst. I am not sure what was wrong, but hearing her like that broke my heart. I just felt so helpless and that just isn't her temperament. She seemed to be better on Saturday and back to her old self today.
Auntie Julie Loves Brooklyn

Look how cute I am in the outfit Aunt Mary got me

Grandma sure knows how to pick adorable outfits

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sping is in the air!

So this weekend was full of some more first for Ms. Brooklyn.
She got to met her Great Aunt Lynn and Great Uncle Tim. 

Brooklyn loves her new puppy

Beautiful name/blocks from Aunt Lynn and Uncle Tim. We LOVE THEM! 

Brooklyn also went to her first hockey game this weekend. She got to see her dad play. She witnessed and smelled the lovely hockey rink.

I think she really looks like Bryan lately

Yawn or is that the reaction to the horrible smell in the rink

 I also took Brooklyn for her first walk today. This early springtime weather was too gorgeous to not take full advantage of it. We walked about 2miles in our neighborhood.

She stayed awake for about 5 min during the walk.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Brooke is 6 weeks

IMO she has her Dad's chin and face shape and my eyes, nose and mouth
Brooklyn hit 6weeks old yesterday. I never thought I would be one of "those" people who talk in terms of weeks, but I am now. Just reading all the things that I do everything is broken out in weeks and ask Bryan I read a lot. He jokes to me that I have turned into that one commercial on tv. The one that goes "where did you hear that? On the internet!" And he is right to a degree I do read a lot of things on the internet, but most all of it is very helpful. However, you can easily get caught up in the trap of this person said this and that, etc. So it can be hard to navigate all of the information that is out there. I also know that what works for one child won't necessarily work for another.

Propped up- still working on holding her head up

This week we are working on putting Brooke down to sleep earlier. So we are feeding her between 7-8pm and swaddling her and putting her in her crib. Then we are "trying" to wake her up around 10:30pm. I say trying because the past few times we have done this she only eats 1oz which isn't a lot. So she still is waking up once in the middle of the night to feed and then she does usually fuss around 5:30-6am and we pat her, giver her her pacifier and then wait to feed her around 8am. Having done this routine for the past few days she seems less crabby and fussy. So I think the earlier bed time is good for her.

Brooklyn and I have also been working on her SMILES!! It is hit or miss, but she will smile and not just gas! If I tickle her chin or talk softly to her she will smile a few times in a row and then she seems to get tried. But, I will take it all day long.

 She is also now starting to out grow things. Her newborn Gerbie onesises didn't really seem to fit this morning. She is getting to be a big girl.

too big for this onesie

She is also mimicking us. She will stick out her tongue when we do and open her mouth too. These little milestones really mean the world to me.