Sunday, November 25, 2012

30 weeks Baby Gallagher is a Cucumber

So last Wednesday 11/21 we hit 30 weeks. Wow that still seems weird to me because that means in just weeks our little girl will be here soon. Bryan keeps telling me that he is ready for her. I am mostly ready, but still have things I want to accomplish before she arrives. Also, there are only a few weeks left of just Bryan and I before we will always be a family of 3 and it would be nice to just soak that in as long as possible. Hoping to find some energy to spend quality and valuable time with my wonderful husband. Also, I am getting more and more nervous of the birth process and trying to just focus the end result, but lets be honest is does scare the shit out of me. So not really ready for that, but then again who is.

How far along?30 weeks
Total weight gain: Not sure right now last time I was hovering around 30. I am positive it is more :(. Sleep? Depends on the day. Some times I sleep really well and other times not at all. I have a natural back sleeper, but you are supposed to sleep on your sides, which is hard because my hips will start to go numb after a while.
Best moment this week: Not one moment, but just in general having an awesome and supportive husband!!! He has picked up the slack so much with all the household chores, dinners, shopping and all with out me ever asking. He is amazing and it means so much to me to have his support, love and affection. 
Ohhh wait just thought of a particular moment too. When Bryan told me the other night how beautiful I am and even more beautiful right now because I am carrying his baby and telling me I will be a wonderful mom. I really just melted! Hearing that just meant so much to me. 
Miss Anything? lunch meat!! I have been wanting a bologna and cheese sandwich with doritos crunched on them.  My ENERGY
She is getting much bigger and stronger. Her kicks can be subtle, but there are those big ones all the time and even if they are uncomfortable they make me smile knowing she is getting stronger and healthier every day. I can also feel/see when she flips over it is so cool.
Food cravings: lunch meat and sandwiches.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Being in the car for long periods of time is really difficult and makes me very queasy.
Gender: Sweet little Baby Girl
Labor Signs:  No
Symptoms: A general feeling of heaviness and I am getting slower by the day. It is harder to get up from the couch or off the floor. Things that I never thought twice about like cleaning, running errands/shopping and decorating take so much energy and have me burnt out. I get very frustrated with this. I want to be able to clean our house and cook my husband a nice dinner or even just go out on a date in the middle of the week with Bryan with out feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I never thought I would take those things for granted. I know I am hard on myself, but it is hard to not miss these little things. Even the simplest of task are very daunting to me.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  I can put them on, but they seem tight. So lately I haven't been wearing them since I dont want to risk it.

1 comment:

  1. Hunny you really do look SO beautiful! Being pregnant suits you ;)

    I know it sucks to have no energy, but enjoy resting now whilst you don't *need* to be getting up and doing stuff :) *Huggles*
