Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Updated Ultrasound pis of Baby Gril

Original ultra sound 8 weeks. 2nd ultrasound 19 weeks
19 weeks Baby Girl Gallagher
So I have been a super busy and very exhausted mom to be. Please pardon the lack of updates. Today we are 25 weeks pregnant. I am nearing the end of the 2nd trimester already. Every week the realization hits me harder and harder. I am getting more and more excited for out little girl every day. And hope that she makes it full term and is a happy and healthy baby.

It is weird and natural at the same time for me to put her first over everything and everyone. Not that I didn't do that with Bryan of course, but this is different. Example every who knows me knows I love to shop and I love a discount. And not that I dont shop for Bryan and family and friends. But, it is sooo easy to look for yourself first. But now when I am out and about I think about her first and things that she needs or would like and those go first on my list. So I guess it is already starting to put her first above me and any of my wants.

Also, I have been battling a bad stomach bug. And every sick person's initial thought it about themselves of course and what you can do to make yourself feel better. Now not that I don't want to feel better for just me, but all my thoughts go to her. Is she OK can she feel that I am in pain and hurting? Is she getting enough nutrients and fluids since I can't hold anything down?  Again all my worries go to her and her needs. So I guess it begins already.......

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