Sunday, August 19, 2012

16 WEEKS Baby Gallagher is the size of an avocado

My friend at work has been taking them :)

(This is the 8th bump pic she took) 

How far along? 16.5 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs total gained since weighing in at my 16 week apt.
Maternity clothes?yep my normal wardrobe and me are on a break ;)
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? depends on the day. Some days I sleep great and other not at all.
Best moment this week: another great doctor's appointment, hearing that everything is still going great & baby is healthy. And seeing Bryan's eyes light up when he looks at my belly. He is even touching my stomach and kissing it ;) He said this was the first week it was really noticeable and that I POPPED
Miss Anything? being able to shop for hours without getting out of breath, painful hips & swollen ankles... fitting into all of my clothes which I worked hard to get into before. Food wise lunch meat and summer drinks. In general my ENERGY
hmmm not sure. I feel gas/butterfly like "movements" after I eat something sugary or usually at night when I am lying in bed.
Food cravings: pizza, carbs and fast food! Which is weird because I have never been a big carb person or fast food. It is hard on me because all I want is crappy food when I used to eat so healthy esp. now when I NEED to be eating healthy. I think I am doing an OK job at balancing cravings in moderation and good nutrition.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Grilled chicken or most meats in general, the smell of smoke and exhaust.
Gender: ????
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: A little swelling in my legs and feet, acne :( and low back and hip pain. Feel like my hips are already moving
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  on, they seem looser than usual at times, and other days my hands are swollen
Happy or Moody most of the time: moments of both.
Looking forward to: Seeing my family soon and trying to enjoy my pregnancy more. Need to forget about that crappy things and focus on me and the baby.

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