Sunday, December 23, 2012

34 weeks Baby's the size of a butternut squash!

I have been a terrible picture taker this year and keep forgetting to grab my camera....oh well. But, I got to spend the weekend with my sister and brother in law. It was really nice. We ate yummy food, went to the movies, baked lots of Christmas Cookies, talked about babies, and just generally got to hang out and spend time together. It was really nice. She is currently pregnant too with TWINS! So our family is very blessed with all the little ones arriving next year. I am praying that she will be cleared to travel to make it to see her niece and smoother her with love and hugs :) 

How far along? 34.5 weeks
 Maternity clothes? yep and thankfully at work right now we are allowed to wear jean from now until we are done with a year end. Which I believe is Jan 12th. So I am living it up wearing more comfy pants. Seriously the little things in life I tell ya.
Stretch marks? no new ones YAY
Sleep? not really. I am lucky to get a 2-3 hour stretch in before I wake up hurting and then toss and turn for the rest of the night.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with my sister. Especially baking Christmas Cookies =)
Miss Anything? my craving for healthy foods and exercise, feeling like my "old self" and my Christmas Spirit Craziness that I usually am swimming in this time of year.
yep! She is most active at night, during the middle of the night and early morning. She is pretty quiet during the day. I hope this is not a sleep pattern we will need to be concerned with, LOL. 
Labor Signs:  Nope. But the baby is head down per the Dr. I feel a lot of pressure all the time too. We are hoping to make it through the holidays and then anxiously awaiting her arrival.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  off recently due to all the swelling.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to: A quiet Christmas with the love of my life. My wonderful Husband Bryan who is the greatest blessing in my life. He is my everything and I can't wait to make so many magical Christmas memories with him and our daughter

Sunday, December 16, 2012

33 Weeks Baby is the size of a Durian...BTW what the heck is a Durian

On Wed 12/12/12 little baby girl hit 33 weeks. Bryan and I went to a newborn 101 class on Thursday. It had some really good tips and then a bunch of things that luckily we both already knew. The instructor was nice, but she would get off topic easily. It was cute to see Bryan diaper the fake baby. I think he will do great when it comes to his own daughter. Looking around the class you could see a lot of beginners who really didn't have a clue. So it was nice to feel like we were pretty on top of the game.

Funny enough I was more nervous before the class about the actual birth and then somehow I came out of the class more freaked out about breast feeding and feeding in general more than anything. The nurse seemed to give some conflicting information about how often/how much a baby eats and the amount of oz etc that should be in their bottle. So now I am really nervous and concerned about that. So I need to find and read some more information to help calm down the fears and nerves that I am having.

Yep same shirt as the week before

How far along?33 Weeks
Total weight gain: 36lbs...gulp
Stretch marks? no news ones I lather on that palmers cocoa butter like there is no tomorrow! 
Sleep? I have good nights and bad nights. Mostly not the best. I do have a pregnancy pillow that helps once in a while, but it is massive and leaves little room for the hubby. Back pain and hip pain are common but I know I am not alone in this.

Best moment this week: Non baby related-secret santa at work was a lot of fun!
Miss Anything:
Being able to get up from the couch/bed with out feeling like an old lady and being able to shop and run errands with out getting exhausted
She moves a lot still. But recently her movements have gotten to be uncomfortable and even painful at times. There is just a lot less room in there for her to do her thing. But, she does favor my right side and likes to hang out there. Ohh and it is weird I can feel her move big time and see her through my clothes, but when I try and lift up my shirt and get a better view she stops. I have heard from other it is because the skin in opaque and she can sense the light so when I pull my shirt back down then she goes to town again, LOL.
Food cravings:nothing really. There is a lot less room and it has made my appetite dwindle big time, but then I will go in spurts and be famished.
Labor Signs:  Not that I am aware of. 

Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off?  off recently due to all the swelling.
Happy or Moody most of the time: moments of both.
Looking forward to: Spending some time with my sister before the baby gallagher arrives

32 Weeks Baby is the size of Squash

12/5/12 I hit 32 weeks. On Friday 12/7/ I had my 32 week Doctor visit. She said everything looked great and that I was measuring spot on. They basically get this measurement from taking a tape measure across the length of your belly. I have one more appointment left in December and then I "graduate" up to weekly visits and the oh so fun checking of me down below. Jealous....yeah I thought so!

I started feeling a lot of pressure down there too and some cramping as well. The cramping feel like menstrual cramps so at least it isn't an unknown feeling, but still not comfortable. The doctor said that this is very normal. Along with the oh so fun Braxton Hicks contractions that come and go. But the weirdest feeling is feeling very heavy and a pulling weight along with the intense pressure often it feels like she is going to "fall out" Again the Dr said this was normal and I have read many books that talk about this same thing too and call it "falling out". So that makes me feel a lot better.

View from of my looking down

My view of my belly from the side

Pic Bryan took

Pic Bryan took

I got all "dolled" up to go to a friend's holiday party. I was amazed at how long I lasted. Bryan and I made it to her house and then also to a bash for his friends too. I don't believe we even made it to bed until it was close to 2am! I think this is an all time record for my pregnancy. As tired and exhausting as it was I was glad I went out. I am trying my best that I can still do things before the arrival of our sweet little one.

31 Weeks Baby is the size of a pineapple

I am so behind on posting..... So on 11/28 I was 31 weeks and the baby was the size of a pineapple. My dear husband when I told him this said does that mean you have to push out the prickly things too. Really Bryan Really?? LOL but just the comparison is crazy to think about.